Thursday, November 6, 2008

Run With The Turkeys, Deer, and Fox

Yesterday I decided to vary my routine again by running up Morrison Canyon Road. It's not a trail-but on the other hand, it's not much of a road. It is a paved one lane road flanked on one side by vertical cliffs and the other side by a steep ravine.

As soon as I hit the canyon entrance I was spooked by flock of wild turkeys. They were so loud, that it was like someone saying "boo!" from behind a dark door. I have not run the canyon for several months and I had forgot about the turkeys. After being spooked by the turkeys, I saw movement to my right and was startled by a deer standing statue still next to the side of the road. This was turning out to be a wonderful run and I was only 12 minutes into the routine!

What made the run even better was the solitude of no automobiles zipping by. I did see one at the top of the ridge that over looks San Francisco Bay. People do live up here and need to get home too.

I like the view from the top because I can see the entire Bay Area. On a clear day I can San Francisco, and both the Bay and Golden Gate bridges.

On my way down, I was nearly paralyzed in mid step as I ran right past a kit fox. It was a beautiful fox. It had gray and red hair mixed throughout it's shiny coat. I was about 10 feet away from this little fox and it just stared at me. It was so cute that I wanted to pet it.

The turkeys were making their normal amount of noise at the bottom of the canyon and I was no longer surprised by it.

Even though this road is paved, it is so narrow and remote that it qualifies as a trail to me.

I always carry a flashlight on this run when it is close to dark because there are so many skunks on the road. I have been sprayed before and I don't intend to fall prey to the stinky spray again.

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