Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who Are You Running In To?

Several months ago while filling up with water at a local water store, the young attendant, Henry noticed my 5 Finger running shoes.  This guy was spot on in his research about barefoot running.  I had not really started any barefoot running.  I bought the shoes because they were comfortable and I wanted something for doing the Beach Body Insanity work out in.

He was very interesting to talk to.  He knew a lot about barefoot running even though he had not attempted it himself.  After talking for a few minutes, he offered to let me use barefoot running book by Michael Sandler.  It was a great read and he got me fired up about barefoot running.

I am now hooked on barefoot running as it feel so good.  I can go cruising through my neighborhood and not even think about what my feet are going to step on.  It feels totally normal.

However, I have to clarify this point-running barefoot  is not for everyone.  If you start cold turkey, you are going to be in a lot of pain.  Your calves are going to feel like they have been run over by mountain goats.  The bottom of your feet are going to hurt.  The skin on the bottom of both my feet actually cracked and bled.  It's dry in California too which exasperates the problem.

The bottom line is that if you are 6 years or older, you had better ease into this.  Take a year or more.  If you can run one minute barefoot, you are doing fine.  My first  barefoot run lasted maybe 2 minutes.  I have never gone further than 40 minutes without  foot protection.

I went into this a little too fast.  I went from 12 ounce trail running shoes per foot to bare feet.  I am back to running for 15 minutes bare foot as I strengthen muscles that have not been used for at least 40 years.

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