My racing days are nearly 2 years behind me and I am happy to be in my "love to run" mode. I have read countless articles stating that a runner must have goals and always strive to get better. I raced my best 10k when I was 22 years old. My best marathon at 25 years old. My best mile was when I was 17 years old. Some how this getting better thing does not compute. I have been slowing down for over 30 years. Maybe improvement is relative. I seem to enjoy my runs more. I can run longer than I could when I was 17 years old. I rarely get sore after a run.
Here is my newest training schedule: I run when I feel like it and don't run when I don't feel the desire. My distance goal is to get out the door and do something My time improvements are measured in how fast I can find my running shorts and a clean shirt.
Last night it rained for most of the night and it was cold and sunny when I got out of bed. I did not have too many choices in running shoes since I took my trail running shoes back to REI because I kept on twisting my ankle due to the high lift and my Vibram Five Fingers have an entire side seam blown. The only remaining shoes that I had at my disposal were the huarche sandals. Forty degrees with socks in my running sandals was an odd combination. I gave it try for a half mile and got rid of the socks. My toes never did warm up. I just could not get a comfortable fit with the socks unless I retied the sandals. Too much work for me.
When I glanced up at Mission Peak, I noticed snow at approximately 1700 feet. My thoughts immediately drifted to Rose Peak which on occasion gets light to heavy dusting of snow. I am not brazen enough to attempt sock less, let alone shoe less in snow. I am wimpy when it comes to cold weather. With the sun shining warmly on my face, I was glad that Mission Peak and all it's snow was in my rear view.
I still dream of running sub 3 hour marathons. But in reality, the training would be a nightmare. I think I will stick to my plodding like a turtle and enjoy running for the sites and solitude.
This morning just as I was returning from my hour run, I noticed a man up on a neighbors roof cleaning the dryer vent. I recently lost a brush while attempting to clean my own vent. The tube is 15 feet and I needed someone to climb on the roof and fish it out. I yelled up to him and we agreed on $25. See, even business can be conducted on a run.
I noticed him run to his truck to retrieve the ladder. There was something graceful in his steps. He was at least 55 years old, yet he ran like a kid. I asked him if was a wide receiver back in his days. He smiled with a twinkle in his eyes and said "Yes, how did you know?" I said to him "You still got it!" Climbing a ladder to get on a 20 foot roof was as fun for this former wide receiver as it was for this former half miler to plod on a dirt trail.
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