Saturday, January 31, 2009

Green Hills

It was going to be just another ordinary run up Mission Peak. Alarm goes off at 5 AM. I scramble to get all my gear into the car and drive to Mission Coffee. It's amazing to see all the junk that I assemble for my run-fanny pack, water bottles, flashlight, gloves, hat, food, toilet paper, and cell phone. I remember my high school days where I would get up and just run.

I arrived at the coffee shop a few minutes late and noticed more than the usual amount of people. We had a new guy arrive-Ignacio Vasquez. I did the once over look at him and decided right off that he had the right stuff to run Mission Peak. Runners seem to have this look. We know who "has it" and who does not. Ignacio had the look.

Our crew for the day were Ignacio, Princess Nadia (Nga), and Endura Andria. Andria got her nick name when she did a Google search for an electrolyte tablet product and came up with a "male" enhancer product instead.

Ignacio and I decided to ditch the girls after about a mile and do some male bonding. We found out that we both have a love for the Word of God. We talked about the Bible and theology. It's always fun to meet some one and feel like you have known them all your life.

The peak was windy and some what cold. We stopped to play with a chocolate Labrador. It was a beautiful sight from the peak as the skies were clear and valleys below were layered with fog that resembled frosting on a cake. Ignacio commented how green the hills were. After the winter rains have fallen, the country side becomes a beautiful emerald green. It's quite a contrast from the dull brown hills of just a few weeks ago.

We picked fresh bay leaves on the way down and it reminded Ignacio of his wife and all the spices that she uses to cook. Who says running has to be about running. At times I tend to forget that I am running because I am so absorbed in good conversation or drinking in the beauty of God's creation.

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