Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Trail Runner Ascends Mission Peak

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new (possible) trail runner addict. David Haydis joined us for the monster climb up Mission Peak at first light. Our group started out with Steve Bradley, David Haydis, Mark Keeler, & Isidalia DiSalvi. The proverbial cell phone call beeped and one dropped. Several seconds later, we had another casualty and we were down to 3 runners. One of our people made a b line to her bed after the other person pulled the covers over her face and went back to sleep.

Our newest runner admitted that he had never attacked Mission Peak, let alone had really not been training since his last deployment. David had the can do attitude and vowed not to quit.

Mr. Bradley left us at the saddle to the peak and attack Mount Allison for the double peaks. David and I made the climb up Mission Peak to view the glorious sun rise over silicon valley.

We usually see some of the same people on a weekly basis. Al (or Doug) was with his dog doing his usual daily climb. For years we did not know his name, so we called him the "Army Guy" because he often donned Army green fatigues.

David and I made it back to Mission Coffee with a total run time of 2:45. I thought this was fairly good considering it was David's first climb. I know that David has a sub 2 hour time in him after he does more training.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trail running is the best!